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Jorge Maronna - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Doğum günü 1948-08-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Les Luthiers


Verdiğin oy:
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. Jorge Maronna is an Argentine multi-instrumentalist, composer, singer, author and a founding member of the comedy-musical group Les Luthiers. Born August 1, 1948, in Bahía Blanca, he joined I Musicisti while still a teenager, and helped Gerardo Masana and Carlos Iraldi build the first informal instrument, the "contrachitarrone da gamba". In 1967, he was part of the four people who left I Musicisti and formed Les Luthiers. There, he and Masana composed most of the music for early shows, and to this day Maronna still pens many musical pieces for the group, often in collaboration with one of his bandmates.


2016Viejos hazmerreires
2007Recital 40 Años
2005Los premios Mastropiero
2005Aquí Les Luthiers as Les Luthiers
2002Las obras de ayer
2001El grosso concerto
2000Todo por que rías
1999Unen canto con humor
1998Bromato de armonio
1995Grandes hitos
1993Historias Breves 0: El artista peripatético as Él mismo
1989El reír de los cantares
1987Viegésimo aniversario as Himself - Guitar
1986Humor dulce hogar as Jorge Maronna
1980Hacen muchas gracias de nada
1979Mastropiero que nunca
1977Viejos Fracasos as Jorge Maronna
Les Luthiers Colección Completa

Diğer Roller

1999Unen canto con humor - Director
1998Bromato de armonio - Director
1998Bromato de armonio - Writer
1995Grandes hitos - Director
1995Grandes hitos - Music
1995Grandes hitos - Producer
1977Viejos Fracasos - Director


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