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Margrete Robsahm - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Oslo, Norway
Doğum günü 1942-10-09
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Margarete Robsahm


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Margrete Robsahm (born 9 October 1942) is a Norwegian model, actress and director. She is the mother of director Thomas Robsahm and sister of the actor Fred Robsahm. To an international audience, she is best known for her role in Castle of Blood with Barbara Steele, but she has also starred in Norwegian movies, among these Line from 1961. The movie was based on a novel by Axel Jensen and caused a minor scandal in Norway at the time, as Robsahm was the first actress ever to expose her breasts in a Norwegian movie. In March 2008, Robsahm came in the media's spotlight for having received NOK 2.3 million over sixteen years in government funding for the arts, without having produced a single movie. Though no criticism was levelled at Robsahm, questions were raised about the government stipendiary system. (Wikipedia)


1976Lasse & Geir as Kvinne på trikken med vårhatt
1973Fem døgn i august as Viveca
1964Oltraggio al pudore
1964Danza macabra as Julia Allert
1962Diciottenni al sole
1961Il mantenuto as Carla
1961Line as Line

Diğer Roller

1988Begynnelsen på en historie - Director
1988Begynnelsen på en historie - Writer
1978Operasjon Cobra - Script
1976Lasse & Geir - Script
1973Fem døgn i august - Script


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