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Aditya Assarat - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Bangkok, Thailand
Doğum günü 1972-01-16
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir อาทิตย์ อัสสรัตน์
아딧야 아사라


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Aditya Assarat is a Thai independent film director, screenwriter, producer and cinematographer.

Diğer Roller

2024I Am the Beauty of Your Beauty, I Am the Fear of Your Fear - Producer
2018Sunset - Director
2018Ten Years Thailand - Director
2018Ten Years Thailand - Screenplay
2016Sukhumvit - Director
2016บางกอกสตอรี่ - Director
2016再见,在也不见 - Producer
2016再见,在也不见 - Writer
2015สกาลา - Director
2014All Powerful! - Director
2014All Powerful! - Writer
2013Now Now Now - Director
2013南方来信 - Director
2013南方来信 - Screenplay
2013Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy. - Producer
2013ฤดูร้อนนั้น ฉันตาย - Line Producer
201220 Scenes of June - Producer
201236 - Producer
2011แมลงรักในสวนหลังบ้าน - Co-Producer
2011เพลงชาติไทย - Director
2010ไฮโซ - Director
2010ไฮโซ - Producer
2010ไฮโซ - Writer
2009ภูเก็ต - Director
2009ภูเก็ต - Writer
2009Bangkok Blues - Director
2009สวัสดีบางกอก - Director
2007เมืองเหงาซ่อนรัก - Director
2007เมืองเหงาซ่อนรัก - Screenplay
2005มะหมี่ - Director
2003Waiting - Director
2003Waiting - Writer
2000Motorcycle - Director
2000Motorcycle - Writer
The Thonglor Kids - Director
The Thonglor Kids - Writer


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