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Leesong Hee-il - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Iksan, North Jeolla, South Korea
Doğum günü 1971-01-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 이송희일
Lee Song Hee-Il
Hee-il Leesong


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Leesong Hee-il is a South Korean film director whose first feature film No Regret is regarded as "the first real Korean gay feature." The film won him Best Independent Film Director at the 2006 Director's Cut Awards. Leesong is openly gay.

Diğer Roller

2023짝꿍 - Director
2023제비 - Director
2023제비 - Editor
2023제비 - Writer
2021너는 밤이다 - Director
2016미행 - Director
2016미행 - Editor
2016미행 - Writer
2014야간비행 - Director
2014야간비행 - Editor
2014야간비행 - Writer
2012남쪽으로 간다 - Director
2012백야 - Director
2012지난 여름, 갑자기 - Director
2012백야 - Editor
2012남쪽으로 간다 - Writer
2012백야 - Writer
2012지난 여름, 갑자기 - Writer
2010탈주 - Director
2010탈주 - Writer
2009황금시대 - Director
2006후회하지 않아 - Director
2006후회하지 않아 - Editor
2006후회하지 않아 - Writer
2005동백꽃 - Director
2001굿 로맨스 - Director
2001굿 로맨스 - Editor
2001굿 로맨스 - Writer


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