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Christiane Cegavske - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

3 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Portland, Oregon, USA
Doğum günü 1971-10-29


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Christiane Cegavske (born October 29, 1971) is an American artist and stop motion animator. She is primarily known for her animated film Blood Tea and Red String and for having done the animated segments to the film The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. She has also made a short film Blood and Sunflowers and has done animation for the TV series X-Chromosome.


2006Blood Tea and Red String as Woman

Diğer Roller

2017A Dream of Dolls Dancing - Director
2017A Dream of Dolls Dancing - Writer
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Animation
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Cinematography
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Director
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Editor
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Producer
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Visual Effects
2006Blood Tea and Red String - Writer
2002The Doll Maker - Director
2002The Doll Maker - Producer
2002The Doll Maker - Writer
1992Blood and Sunflowers - Director
1992Blood and Sunflowers - Writer
1992A Smaller World "Big Baby" - Set Decoration
Seed in the Sand - Animation
Seed in the Sand - Cinematography
Seed in the Sand - Director
Seed in the Sand - Editor
Seed in the Sand - Screenplay


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