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Layla Olwy - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Cairo, Egypt
Doğum günü 1962-01-04
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir ليلى علوى
ليلى علوي
Laila Eloui
Laila Elwy
Laila Elwi
Layla Elwy


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Layla Olwy is an Egyptian actress, born to an Egyptian father and a Greek mother. Her full name is Leyla Ahmed E’lwy and her career began when she was still quite young with Abla Fadeela at the Radio broadcast and Mama Samiha on children programming on television. Leyla studied at French schools and graduated in 1991 from the faculty of commerce. She took small parts in films as a child and performed in several titles. Nour el-Shereef noticed her talents on stage. Leyla took part in the television series “Dimoo’ Fawq al-Haqiqa” (“Tears Over the Truth”) in her first television role as a mature actress. Among the stage productions which she has taken part in are “al-Brenseesa” (“The Princess”). The actress was also honored at several festivals including the Love Festival of 2002. She could be considered among the most intelligent actresses in her generation and her performances were particularly memorable in “al-Muzniboon” (“The Guilty”) and “Kharag wa lam Ya’od” (“He Left but did not Return”).


2024جوازة توكسيك
2024آل شنب
2023شوجر دادي
2021200 جنيه
2021ماما حامل
2016الماء والخضرة والوجه الحسن as Shadia
2012بنطلون جوليت as ضيفة شرف
2008ليلة البيبي دول
2007الوان السما السبعه as حنان
2004بحب السيما
2004حب البنات as Nada Mustafa Abu Hagar
2000رجل له ماضي as منال/ أنهار
1999نور ونار
1998اضحك الصورة تطلع حلوة
1998ست الستات
1997Kader as Manuella/Gypsy Woman
1997تفاحة as Zeinat (Tofaha)
1997حلق حوش as Shadia
1996إشارة مرور as Sumaya ( Susu )
1996يا دنيا يا غرامي
1996الجميله و الوحشين
1995في الصيف الحب جنون as Maisa
1995الرجل الثالث
1995قليل من الحب كثير من العنف
1993إنذار بالطاعه
1993إنذار بالطاعة
1992الفاس فى الراس as Saeeda
1992آى آى as zeinab
1992آي آي
1992El Haggama
1992La dame du Caire
1992Alhajar alddayir
1991قبضة الهلالي as Laila
1991سمع هس as حلاوة
1991المخطوفة as Nevin
1991المساطيل as ناديه بيچو
1991يا مهلبية يا
1989المغتصبون as Safaa Kamel Othman
1989جحيم تحت الماء as Halah
1989يا عزيزي كلنا لصوص as Basma Abdel Razek
1988كل هذا الحب as وفاء
1988غرام الأفاعي
1988زمن الممنوع
1987ضربة معلم
1987خليل بعد التعديل
1987El Motamared
1987من خاف سلم
1987الرجل يحب مرتين as سميرة
1986تحت التهديد as سالى رحمى
1986عصر الذئاب
1986المطاردة الأخيرة
1986كلمة السر
1986الأقزام قادمون as Nani
1986يوسف وزينب
1985حكاية في كلمتين as حنان
1985زوج تحت الطلب as Nahed
1985الرجل الذي عطس
1985إعدام ميت as فاطمة مساعد الطوبي
1985العايقة والدريسة as Samah
1985Ayam Al Tahadi
1985الموظفون في الأرض
1984قمر الليل
1984مسرحية البرنسيسة
1984مطلوب حيا أو ميتا as Basma
1984المشاغبون فى الجيش as كريمة
1984الشيطان يغني as سلوى
1984سمورة والبنت القمورة
1984خرج ولم يعد as Khayria / Khokha
1984شوارع من نار
1984جبابرة الميناء
1983غريب ولد عجيب
1982تجيبها كده تجيلها كده هي كده as magda
1982الحل اسمه نظيرة
1981الدنيا مقلوبه
1980مخيمر دايما جاهز
1979عش المجانين as امانى
مسرحية الرجال يفضلونها موظفة
مسرحية الضحك عالمكشوف
مسرحية عريس مع إيقاف التنفيذ

Diğer Roller

1991يا مهلبية يا - Producer


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