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Katherine Grant - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

3 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Los Angeles, California, USA
Doğum günü 1904-05-01
Ölüm 1937-04-02
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Kathryn Grant
Katherine May Grant
Katherine Kerr


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Katherine Grant appeared in fifty silent-screen era comedy films between 1923 and 1926 after being discovered in a beauty pageant.


1926Charley My Boy! as Dodo
1926What's the World Coming To? as Billie, the Bride
1925His Wooden Wedding as The Bride
1925The Uneasy Three
1925The Caretaker's Daughter as The Young Married Man's Wife
1925No Father to Guide Him as Jimmy's Wife
1925Innocent Husbands as Mame - His Wife
1925Isn't Life Terrible? as The Wife
1925Ridin' Thunder as Jean Croft
1925What Price Goofy? as Jamison's wife
1925Wild Papa
1925Looking for Sally as Sally Kavanaugh
1925Is Marriage the Bunk? as Jimmy's wife, Sappie
1925Hard Boiled
1925Should Husbands Be Watched? as Mrs. Jump
1925Plain and Fancy Girls as Second Girl
1925The Family Entrance
1925Hello Baby! as His Wife
1925Papa Be Good!
1924Just a Good Guy as The Inventor's Daughter
1924The Royal Razz
1924The Poor Fish
1924Why Men Work
1923Scorching Sands as Tourist
1923Join the Circus
1923The Soilers
1923Frozen Hearts as Sonia, the peasant girl
1923Roughest Africa as Lt. Hans Downe (Little Boss)
1923A Man About Town as The Girl
1923Take the Air
1923Oranges and Lemons as Little Valencia
1923Gas and Air as Garage owner's daughter
1923Kill or Cure
1923The Uncovered Wagon as Mollie
1923Collars and Cuffs as Laundry Worker
1923Pick and Shovel as The Foreman's Daughter
1923Under Two Jags
1923White Wings as Nurse
1923The Noon Whistle


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