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Susumu Hani - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Doğum günü 1928-10-10
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 羽仁進
Hani Susumi
Сусуму Хани


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“I am interested only in the inside of people.” Susumu Hani is a Japanese film director, and one of the most prominent representatives of the 1960s Japanese New Wave. Born in Tokyo, he has directed both documentaries and feature films. He won the Directors Guild of Japan New Directors Award for his first fiction film, Bad Boys, in 1961.

Diğer Roller

1983歴史 核狂乱の時代 - Director
1983歴史 核狂乱の時代 - Writer
1982予言 - Director
1982Manga, the cartoon in contemporary Japanese Life - Director
1980アフリカ物語 - Director
1972午前中の時間割り - Director
1972午前中の時間割り - Editor
1972午前中の時間割り - Screenplay
1971妖精の詩 - Director
1971妖精の詩 - Editor
1970恋の大冒険 - Director
1970恋の大冒険 - Screenplay
1969愛奴 - Director
1969愛奴 - Editor
1969愛奴 - Screenplay
1968初恋・地獄篇 - Director
1968初恋・地獄篇 - Editor
1968初恋・地獄篇 - Writer
1966アンデスの花嫁 - Director
1966アンデスの花嫁 - Screenplay
1965ブワナ・トシの歌 - Director
1965ブワナ・トシの歌 - Writer
1964手をつなぐ子ら - Director
1964手をつなぐ子ら - Editor
1964手をつなぐ子ら - Writer
1963彼女と彼 - Director
1963彼女と彼 - Writer
1963Il paradiso dell'uomo - Director
1962充たされた生活 - Director
1962充たされた生活 - Screenplay
1961不良少年 - Director
1961不良少年 - Screenplay
1958海は生きている - Director
1958海は生きている - Writer
1958東京1958 - Director
1958東京1958 - Editor
1958東京1958 - Producer
1958東京1958 - Screenplay
1958法隆寺 - Director
1957動物園日記 - Director
1957動物園日記 - Writer
1956双生児学級 - Director
1956双生児学級 - Writer
1956絵を描く子どもたち - Director
1956絵を描く子どもたち - Writer
1954教室の子供たち -学習指導への道- - Director
1954教室の子供たち -学習指導への道- - Screenplay
1952生活と水 - Director
1952生活と水 - Screenplay
1950はえのいない町 - Screenplay


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