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Line: 380
Jim McCullough Jr. - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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1977Charge of the Model T's as Pvt. Hansen
1976Creature from Black Lake as Orville Bridges

Diğer Roller

2010Brooklyn'in Azizleri - Electrician
2003Where the Red Fern Grows - Producer
1999Nacho Chihuahua - Screenplay
1994The St. Tammany Miracle - Writer
1992Where The Red Fern Grows Part 2 - Director
1989Teen Vamp - Producer
1988Video Murders - Writer
1983Mountaintop Motel Massacre - Writer
1977Charge of the Model T's - Screenplay
1976Creature from Black Lake - Producer
1976Creature from Black Lake - Writer


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