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Carlos Illescas - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Guatemala City, Guatemala
Doğum günü 1918-05-09
Ölüm 1998-06-22


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Poet, storyteller, journalist, film scriptwriter, university professor and poetry workshop leader. Founding member of the 40's generation, along with Augusto Monterroso, Raúl Leiva, Otto-Raúl González and Enrique Juárez Toledo. Born in Guatemala, he lived in Mexico since 1944. He was a diplomat and journalist; editor of the collections "Problemas Científicos y Filosóficos" and "Nuestros Clásicos" of the UNAM, and of the poetry collection "Papeles Privados"; head of information and artistic director of Radio Universidad; collaborator of Televisión Universitaria, Canal 11 and Radio Educación; coordinated poetry workshops for INBA and ISSSTE; member of the editorial board of Revista de Guatemala. In his country he founded the Acento group (joined by Augusto Monterroso, Raúl Leiva, Otto Raúl González and Enrique Juárez Toledo). He collaborated in El Búho, El Nacional, Lanzas y Letras, Muro y Viento and Revista de la Universidad de El Salvador. Author of the screenplays José Guadalupe Posada (1966); Rostros, mascaras, caretas (1971); La mansión de la locura (1971); Amigo campesino (1974); Auandar Anapu (1974); Pafnuncio Santo (1976); Deseos (1977); Al filo del agua (1977); and, A la memoria de una gran novela (1977). Xavier Villaurrutia Award 1984 for Usted es la culpable. Presidential Order Miguel Ángel Asturias 1998 from the Government of Guatemala.


1984Figuras de la Pasión

Diğer Roller

1977Pafnucio Santo - Writer
1977Deseos - Writer
1975Auandar Anapu (el que cayó del cielo) - Writer
1974Amigo campesino - Screenplay
1973La mansión de la locura - Writer
1972Ángeles y querubines - Writer
1971Rostros, máscaras y caretas - Screenplay
1969Siqueiros - Editor
1967Tamayo - Screenplay
1966José Guadalupe Posadas - Screenplay


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