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Ben Howard - profili | Sosyallift©

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2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri UK
Doğum günü 1940-01-01


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Ben Howard is a retired British actor famous for playing cockney hardmen and squaddies. He starred in the Richard Attenborough films, Oh What a Lovely War and A Bridge Too Far, and starred in the big police series of the 60s and 70s; Z Cars, The Sweeney and Dixon of Dock Green - the latter as DC Len Clayton in the long running show's final series in 1976. Away from acting Ben designed and created the Benjyboard skateboard which is still admired by skaters to this day as a classic.


1982Who Dares Wins as Terrorist
1979That Summer! as Borstal Officer
1978Red Shift as Officer
1977Savaş Köprüleri as Sergeant Towns
1977Talkin' Blues as Stevie
1974The Land That Time Forgot as Benson
1974From Beyond the Grave as Burglar
1973Doctor Who: The Green Death as Hinks
1973The Sex Victims as Jack Piper
1972Hide and Seek as Sid
1972Running Scared as Charlie
1971Villain as Henry
1971Bread as Gerry
1971Zeppelin as Jamie Fergusson
1969Oh! What a Lovely War as Pte Garbett
1968Mrs. Lawrence Will Look After It as PC Robertson
1968The Charge of the Light Brigade as Trumpeter Pridmore
1965Three Clear Sundays as Charlie


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