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Madhura Sridhar Reddy - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Warangal, Telengana, India
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Madhura Sreedhar
Madhura Sreedhar Reddy
Madura Sreedhar
Madura Sridhar


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Madhura Sridhar Reddy is an Indian film producer, writer and director. He's the founder of the movie production company Madhura Entertainment and the music label Madhura Audio.

Diğer Roller

2019దొరసాని - Producer
2019ఏబీసీడీ: అమెరికన్ బార్న్ కన్ఫ్యూజ్డ్ దేశీ - Producer
2019Where Is The వెంకటలక్ష్మి - Producer
2017Fashion Designer S/O Ladies Tailor - Producer
2016Oka Manasu - Producer
2014మాయ - Producer
2013Back Bench Student - Director
2013Back Bench Student - Screenplay
2013Back Bench Student - Story
2011Its My Love Story - Director
2011Its My Love Story - Writer
2010Sneha Geetham - Director
2010Sneha Geetham - Writer
డ్యూయెట్ - Co-Producer


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