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David Oliver Pfeil - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir David Oliver
David Pfeil


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David Oliver Pfeil is an American film and television director, director of photography, and film title cinematographer/designer. He's won two Emmys for television titles for The Bronx Zoo and The Bold and the Beautiful (co-designed with Wayne Fitzgerald) and shot the iconic opening title sequence to the classic 1980s TV series Knightrider.

Diğer Roller

1993Hocus Pocus - Title Designer
1992Sidekicks - Title Designer
1992Kaptan Ron - Title Designer
1991Uzay Yolu VI: Keşfedilmemiş Ülke - Title Designer
1987İçimde Biri Var - Title Designer
1986Kısa Devre - Title Designer
1985Cavegirl - Director
1985Cavegirl - Director of Photography
1985Cavegirl - Producer
1985Cavegirl - Writer
1984Splash - Title Designer


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