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Mark Ellinger - profili | Sosyallift©

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1 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1949-01-01


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Mark Ellinger is an American composer raised in Ohio. Ellinger met and became friends with filmmaker Curt McDowell while studying at the San Francisco Art Institute. Between 1971 and 1987, he taught classes at the Art Institute and the Academy of Art. He worked as a recording engineer, sound designer, electronics technician, composer and actor on various independent films. In 1982, he opened the 16-track recording studio Truth and Beauty.


1987Video Album 5: The Thursday People
1975Thundercrack! as Charlie Hammond
1975The Devil's Cleavage
1974Beaver Fever
1974Nudes: A Sketchbook
1974True Blue and Dreamy
1973Resurrection of Eve as Swinger
1973Boggy Depot as Mean Brother
1973Dora Myrtle
1973The Mean Brothers "Get Stood Up"
1972Lunch as Dave Powers
1972Peed Into the Wind
1972Siamese Twin Pinheads
1970Pornogra Follies

Diğer Roller

1980Taboo: The Single and the LP - Music
1977The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Music
1975Thundercrack! - Music
1975Thundercrack! - Story


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