OW Debug - Warning
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Fred Gilman - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Virginia, USA
Doğum günü 1902-11-24
Ölüm 1988-03-30


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1947My Brother Talks to Horses as Horse Handler (uncredited)
1935Rainbow's End as George Wright, Bookkeeper
1933The Fighting Parson as Express Agent
1932The Cowboy Counsellor as Luke Avery
1932A Man's Land as Deputy Fred
1931Wild Horse as Wally, the Drunk
1930Roaring Ranch as Chauffeur (uncredited)
1928Clearing the Trail as Steve Watson
1928An Unexpected Hero as The Texas Ranger
1927The Horse Trader as Ranger Bruce Channing
1926Martin of the Mounted as Martin of the Mountaed
1926The Shoot 'Em Up Kid as Terry Moore


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