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Kōhei Sugiyama - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Doğum günü 1899-06-22
Ölüm 1960-02-21
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Kohei Sugiyama


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1987必殺4 恨みはらします

Diğer Roller

1959遊太郎巷談 - Director of Photography
1958七番目の密使 - Director of Photography
1957桃太郎侍 - Director of Photography
1957鳴門秘帖 - Director of Photography
1957大阪物語 - Director of Photography
1956月形半平太 花の巻 嵐の巻 - Cinematography
1956銭形平次捕物控 人肌蜘蛛 - Director of Photography
1956柳生连也斋:秘传月影抄 - Cinematography
1955新・平家物語 - Director of Photography
1955楊貴妃 - Director of Photography
1954千姫 - Director of Photography
1954投げ唄左門一番手柄 死美人屋敷 - Director of Photography
1954番町皿屋敷 お菊と播磨 - Director of Photography
1953地獄門 - Director of Photography
1952大佛開眼 - Cinematography
1951源氏物語 - Director of Photography
1949わが恋は燃えぬ - Director of Photography
1948明日は日本晴れ - Director of Photography
1948Gecenin Kadınları - Director of Photography
1941元禄 忠臣蔵 - Director of Photography
1941芸道一代男 - Cinematography
1939月夜鴉 - Director of Photography
1935雪之丞変化 - Director of Photography
1934一本刀土俵入り - Cinematography
1933鯉名の銀平 - Cinematography
1933二つ燈籠 - Cinematography
1931黎明以前 - Cinematography
1929黒手組助六 - Cinematography
1928鳥辺山心中 - Director of Photography
1928十字路 - Director of Photography
1928弁天小僧 - Director of Photography
1926Kurutta ippeji - Director of Photography


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