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David Hartford - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Ontonian, Michigan, USA
Doğum günü 1873-01-11
Ölüm 1932-10-30


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1931Over the Hill as Bill Collector
1930Rough Romance as 'Dad' Reynolds
1918Inside the Lines as Dr. Emil Koch
1918Rose o' Paradise as Jordon Morse
1917The Bride of Hate as Judge Shone
1914Tess of the Storm Country as Daddy Skinner

Diğer Roller

1924Blue Water - Director
1922The Rapids - Director
1921The Golden Snare - Director
1921The Golden Snare - Producer
1921The Golden Snare - Writer
1920Nomads of the North - Director
1920Nomads of the North - Writer
1919It Happened in Paris - Director
1919Back to God's Country - Director
1918The Man of Bronze - Director
1918Inside the Lines - Director
1914Tess of the Storm Country - Assistant Director


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