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John Randolph Bray - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Addison, Michigan
Doğum günü 1879-08-25
Ölüm 1978-10-10


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John Randolph Bray was a pioneer Animator in the early life of American cinema, primarily through his Bray Studios.


1919How Animated Cartoons Are Made
1913Old Doc Yak and the Artist's Dream
1913The Artist's Dreams as Artist

Diğer Roller

1928Fowl Play - Producer
1927Fat and the Canary - Producer
1927Big Pie Raid - Producer
1927Jungle Belles - Producer
1927Oh Boy - Producer
1926The Tail of the Monkey - Producer
1926The Cat's Nine Lives - Producer
1926Monkeys Prefer Blondes - Producer
1926The Pig's Curly Tail - Producer
1925Just Spooks - Producer
1923Colonel Heeza Liar's Burglar - Producer
1921Adopting a Bear Cub - Director
1920Perpetual Motion - Producer
1920Dud, Lion Tamer - Producer
1920The Ouija Board - Producer
1920The Chinaman - Producer
1920The Kids Find Candy's Catching - Producer
1920The Debut of Thomas Cat - Director
1920The Boxing Kangaroo - Producer
1919Chip Off the Old Block - Producer
1919How Animated Cartoons Are Made - Producer
1919The Clown's Pup - Producer
1919Dud, the Circus Performer - Producer
1919How the Telephone Talks - Producer
1919Out of the Inkwell - Producer
1919The Tantalizing Fly - Producer
1917The Ruby of Razmataz - Producer
1917Mechanical Operation of British Tanks - Producer
1917Bobby Bumps, Office Boy - Producer
1917Colonel Heeza Liar on the Jump - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar, War Dog - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar, War Dog - Writer
1915Colonel Heeza Liar at the Bat - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar Foils the Enemy - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar Signs the Pledge - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar in the Haunted Castle - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar, Ghost Breaker - Animation
1915Colonel Heeza Liar, Ghost Breaker - Director
1915Colonel Heeza Liar, Ghost Breaker - Producer
1915Colonel Heeza Liar, Ghost Breaker - Writer
1915Romiet and Julio - Producer
1915Gertie the Dinosaur - Director
1915Gertie the Dinosaur - Producer
1914Colonel Heeza Liar's African Hunt - Animation
1914Colonel Heeza Liar's African Hunt - Director
1914Colonel Heeza Liar's African Hunt - Producer
1914Colonel Heeza Liar's African Hunt - Writer
1913Colonel Heeza Liar In Africa - Director
1913The Artist's Dreams - Director
1913The Artist's Dreams - Producer


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