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Mustafa Altıoklar - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Unye, Ordu, Turkey
Doğum günü 1958-06-17
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Born in 1958. Mustafa Altioklar began his film career by shooting short films in 1989. By winning the award of "The Best New Coming Director" with his first feature film, Balcony, at Ankara Film Festival in 1992, Altioklar drew the attention of Turkish film industry to his work. With his second feature film, Istanbul Under My Wings (1995), he also brought an unexpected vivacity to the Turkish Cinema whose film production had decreased dramatically and whose number of viewers had neared to nothing during the past 20 years. After this contribution, which is now called the rebirth of Turkish Cinema's reconciliation with its audience; Altioklar carried on his road and proved the permanence of his success by shooting Kolera Street (1997). Altioklar's usage of locations as actors in his films has become a characteristic of his work. This trade mark became especially distinctive in his fourth feature The Elevator (1999), and his fifth, The Bathroom (2005). While his direction of an ensemble cast and parallel fiction was recognized as astonishing in He is in the Army now (2002), his last film Shattered Soul (2005) has taken its well-earned place in Turkish Cinema History as being the first psychological thriller ever, and was awarded with a "Bronze Gryphone" at 2006 in International St. Petersburg Film Festival. Altioklar has written all the scripts of his short and feature films.


2001Dansöz as Gypsy chief 1
2001Komser Şekspir
1996İstanbul Kanatlarımın Altında as Derviş

Diğer Roller

2007Emret Komutanım: Şah Mat - Director
2006Beyza'nın Kadınları - Director
2005Banyo - Director
2003O Şimdi Asker - Director
1999Asansör - Director
1999Asansör - Screenplay
1997Ağır Roman - Director
1997Ağır Roman - Screenplay
1997Ağır Roman - Writer
1996İstanbul Kanatlarımın Altında - Director
1996İstanbul Kanatlarımın Altında - Writer
1992Denize Hançer Düştü - Director
1992Denize Hançer Düştü - Producer
1992Denize Hançer Düştü - Screenplay


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