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Line: 380
Marian Stanciu - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Bucharest, Romania
Doğum günü 1951-11-27


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)


1976Povestea dragostei as Printul fermecat

Diğer Roller

2011Umilință - Cinematography
200515 - Director of Photography
2005Hellraiser: Hellworld - Second Unit Director of Photography
2002Noro - Cinematography
1992Divorț... din dragoste - Cinematography
1988Expediția - Cinematography
1987Pădurea de fagi - Cinematography
1985Pas în doi - Cinematography
1985Racolarea - Cinematography
1984Zbor periculos - Cinematography
1981Detașamentul "Concordia" - Cinematography
1981Pruncul, petrolul şi ardelenii - Cinematography
1981Un echipaj pentru Singapore - Cinematography
1979Al patrulea stol - Cinematography
1979Jachetele galbene - Cinematography
1978Septembrie - Cinematography
1977Regăsire - Cinematography


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