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Line: 380
Sarah Bernard - profili | Sosyallift©

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Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Sara Bernard
Sarah Bernhard


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1986Taboo American Style 4: The Exciting Conclusion as Dierdra Weiss
1986Taboo American Style 3: Nina Becomes An Actress as Dierdra Weiss
1986Tickled Pink as Sarah
1985Taboo American Style 2: The Story Continues as Dierdra Weiss
1985Bordello: House of the Rising Sun as Brothel Woman
1985Taboo American Style: The Ruthless Beginning as Dierdra Weiss
1985A Passage Thru Pamela as Party Girl
1985Flesh & Fantasy as Annie Anal
1985Dick Of Death as jackie
1985Hot Rockers as Terri
1985Voyeur as Hooker
1984Give It to Me as Jenny
1984Indiana Joan in the Black Hole of Mammoo
1984Long Hard Nights as Babette, The Maid

Diğer Roller

1985Lilith Unleashed - Unit Production Manager


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