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Reda Hamed - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Egypt
Doğum günü 1954-08-28
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir رضا حامد


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An Egyptian actor, who made his debut in the early eighties, where he presented a number of small roles in some distinguished cinematic, television and theatrical works, the first of which was his roles in the movie The Attorney General, the series Fake Gold, and the play Why?. His real debut began in the nineties through a number of distinguished film and television series, in which he presented some supporting roles.


2023ويزو سكول
2020الزهر لما يلعب
2012جيم أوفر
2010العتبة الحمرا as Dr Zohair
2009حبيبي نائما
2009البيه رومانسي
2009عمر و سلمي 2
2008أشرف حرامي
2008آخر كلام
2007الحب كده
2006العيال هربت
2006قصة الحي الشعبي as lawyer
2005عيال حبيبة
2005سيد العاطفي
2004صايع بحر as دكتور النساء
2002أمير الظلام
1992فخ الجواسيس as رضا
1992مسرحية سيارة الهانم
1992عطية الإرهابية
1991قانون إيكا as Lawyer Raouf
1987مسرحية فندق العجائب
1985إلي من يهمه الأمر as Regissur
1982طبيب رغم انفه
مسرحية قنبلة الموسم
مسرحية كتكوت في المصيدة

Diğer Roller

1982طبيب رغم انفه - Co-Director


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