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Josh Slates - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Fairfield, Iowa, USA
Doğum günü 1976-03-13
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Josh Slates is a writer, producer and director based in Baltimore. His debut feature, Small Pond, made its world premiere at the 2011 Maryland Film Festival and would proceed to win the Programmers Award at the Sidewalk Film Festival later that year. His 35mm short film Ponkutsu Park screened as part of the Short Film Corner at the 59th Cannes Film Festival in 2006 and his 16mm short film 89 Gator Mine was selected for competition at the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival in 2007. Mr. Slates balances his personal niche as an independent filmmaker with his professional role as a location scout and manager for both studio features and episodic drama (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Veep) and passion projects such as Michael Tully’s Ping Pong Summer, which premiered as part of the Sundance NEXT sidebar in 2014.

Diğer Roller

2019Flimsy Company - Director
2019Flimsy Company - Writer
2013Sun Don't Shine - Thanks
2012Small Pond - Director
2012Small Pond - Writer
2010Aşk Sarhoşu - Location Scout
2009Washingtonienne - Assistant Location Manager
2008İçten Gelen - Location Manager


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