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Kenean Buel - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Springfield, Kentucky, USA
Doğum günü 1880-05-25
Ölüm 1948-11-05
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir John William Adams
Keenan Buel
Keenan J. Buel
Keanan Buel


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1913Uncle Tom's Cabin as Lawyer Marks
1911The Fiddler’s Requiem

Diğer Roller

2022Copyright Comedies and More. From the Library of Congress - Director
1919A Fallen Idol - Director
1918Doing Their Bit - Director
1918Doing Their Bit - Screenplay
1918Doing Their Bit - Story
1918American Buds - Director
1918American Buds - Writer
1917Two Little Imps - Director
1917She - Director
1917The New York Peacock - Director
1916Daredevil Kate - Director
1916The Marble Heart - Director
1914The School for Scandal - Director
1914The Mystery of the Sleeping Death - Director
1914The Brand - Director
1914Kit, the Arkansaw Traveler - Director
1914Wolfe or the Conquest of Quebec - Director
1913Uncle Tom's Cabin - Director
1913Our New Minister - Director
1913The Fatal Legacy - Director
1913A Virginia Feud - Director
1913Shenandoah - Director
1913A Mississippi Tragedy - Director
1913The Wartime Siren - Director
1912As You Like It - Producer
1912The Confederate Ironclad - Director
1912The Darling of the CSA - Director
1911Mexican Filibusters - Director
1911The Mexican Joan of Arc - Director


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