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Francisco Freitas - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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2019As Aventuras de Fujiwara Manchester: O Filme as Jolla Zogecko
2015Os Carrinhos 8: Fazendo uma Bagunça as Tonny
2012The Little Cars 7: Revved Up and Ready to Go as tonny
2011The Little Cars 6: Fast Lane Fury as tonny
2011Alice no País das Maravilhas as Coelho / Gêmeo 1
2011Os 3 Porquinhos as Carvalho
2009The Little Cars 5: Big Adventures as Tonny
2009Voando Em Busca de Aventuras! as Ching Ling (voice)
2009Monstros e Monstrinhos as ET 03
2008Robozinhos as Tron2B (voice)
2007Abelhinhas as Human #2 (voice) / Drone (voice)
2007Gladiformers as Supremobot #1 (voice)
2007Ratatoing as Male Rat 1 / Rat Son / Slim Rat (voice)
2007Os Carrinhos 2: Aventuras em Rodópolis as Tonny
2006Os Carrinhos em: A Grande Corrida as Tony (voice)
2005A Cigarra e a Formiga as Formiga
2004Pinóquio as Grilo

Diğer Roller

2019Esteio - Director
2009Cinderella - Sound Director
2004Pinóquio - Art Direction


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