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Phil Mulloy - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Wallasey, Merseyside, England, UK
Doğum günü 1948-01-01
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Philip Mulloy


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Phil Mulloy (born 1948) is a British animator of Irish ancestry. He was born in Wallasey, Merseyside and studied both painting and filmmaking. Mulloy worked as a screenwriter and director of live-action films until the late 1980s before becoming an animator. His animations have been described as "satirical grotesque" and often portray the dark side of human nature and contemporary social, political, and religious values in a humorous and at times, shocking way. His visual style is distinctive in its use of primitive, often skeletal figures and minimalist backgrounds. Mulloy has made over 30 animated films many of which are in themed groupings based on Hollywood genres. Mulloy has won many international awards for his work and has conducted several workshops for young animators.


2008we used to call people late at night

Diğer Roller

2022Happily Ever After - Director
2017Dogs Can't Talk - Director
2015Endgame - Director
2015Endgame - Writer
2013The Pain and the Pity - Director
2013Forwards Backwards - Director
2013Bird of Paradise - Director
2012The Banker - Director
2012Father - Script
2011Dead But Not Buried - Director
2011Dead But Not Buried - Writer
2011Goodbye Mr. Christie - Director
2011Goodbye Mr. Christie - Writer
2009Extreme Animation: Films by Phil Mulloy - Director
2006The Christies - Director
2005The Christies: Gary Challenger - Director
2005The Christies: Mr Christie's Sex Manual - Director
2005The Christies: Mr Yakamoto - Director
2004Intolerance III: The Final Solution - Art Designer
2004Intolerance III: The Final Solution - Director
2004Intolerance III: The Final Solution - Editor
2004Intolerance III: The Final Solution - Writer
2004Mondo Mulloy - Director
2004Love Is Strange - Director
2004Love Is Strange - Writer
2004The Christies: Introduction - Director
2001Intolerance II: The Invasion - Director
2001Intolerance II: The Invasion - Writer
2000Intolerance - Director
2000Flik Flak - Director
1999Seasons Greetings - Director
1998The Sexlife of a Chair - Director
1997The Chain - Director
1996The Ten Commandments Number 10: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Wife - Director
1996The Ten Commandments Number 5: Thou Shalt Not Kill - Director
1996The Wind of Changes - Director
1995Greats Moments in Film - Director
1995Greats Moments in Film - Producer
1995Greats Moments in Film - Writer
1995The Ten Commandments Number 2: Thou Shalt Not Commit Blasphemy - Director
1995The Ten Commandments Number 3: Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day - Director
1995The Ten Commandments Number 4: Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother - Director
1995The Ten Commandments Number 8: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness - Director
1995The Ten Commandments Number 9: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Goods - Director
1994The Ten Commandments Number 1: Thou Shalt Not Adore False Gods - Director
1994The Ten Commandments Number 6: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - Director
1994The Ten Commandments Number 7: Thou Shalt Not Steal - Director
1994The History of the World Episode 16: The Invention of Writing and Its Destruction - Director
1994The History of the World Episode 10: The Discovery of Language - Director
1994The Ten Commandments - Director
1992The Sound of Music - Director
1992The Cowboys Collection - Director
1991Cowboys: "That's Nothin'" - Director
1991Cowboys: High Noon - Director
1991Cowboys: Murder! - Director
1991Cowboys: Outrage! - Director
1991Cowboys: Slim Pickin's - Director
1991Cowboys: The Conformist - Director
1991Possession - Director
1990Tinfish - Director
1989The Return - Director
1982Give Us This Day - Director
1982Give Us This Day - Writer
1978In the Forest - Director
1977A History & The City - Director
1977A History & The City - Writer
1976Loop - Director of Photography


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