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Nara Leão - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Doğum günü 1942-01-19
Ölüm 1989-06-07
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Nara Lofego Leão


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Nara Lofego Leão was a Brazilian bossa nova and MPB singer and occasional actress. Her husband was Carlos Diegues, director and writer of Bye Bye Brasil.


2023Jair Rodrigues - Deixa Que Digam as Self (archive footage)
2019Memórias do Grupo Opinião as Self (archive footage)
2014Dominguinhos as Self (archive footage)
2005Vinicius as Self (archive footage)
2005João do Vale, Muita Gente Desconhece as Self (archive footage)
2005Coisa Mais Linda - Histórias e Casos da Bossa Nova as Self (archive footage)
1986Infinita Tropicália as Self
1978A Lira do Delírio
1974Um Homem Célebre
1974Álbum de Música as Self
1972Quando o Carnaval Chegar as Mimi
1970Os Herdeiros as Amiga
1970O Tempo e o Som as Self
1967Garôta de Ipanema as Self
1966Onde a Terra Começa

Diğer Roller

2022fui por aí - Music
1963Ganga Zumba - Music


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