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Sarah J. Christman - profili | Sosyallift©

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Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Sarah Christman


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Sarah Christman makes films that explore the intersections between people, technology and the natural world. Her work has screened widely, including Rotterdam International Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival, New York Film Festival, MoMA Documentary Fortnight and the Los Angeles Film Forum. She received the New Visions Award from the San Francisco International Film Festival for her debut film Dear Bill Gates and Jury Awards from the Ann Arbor Film Festival for Broad Channel and As Above, So Below. Christman received her MFA in Film & Media Arts from Temple University and her BA in Art History and Visual Arts from Oberlin College. She teaches in the Film Department of Brooklyn College and the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema / CUNY.

Diğer Roller

2019Swarm Season - Director
20157285 - Director
20157285 - Writer
2013Gowanus Canal - Director
2012As Above, So Below - Cinematography
2012As Above, So Below - Director
2012As Above, So Below - Editor
2012As Above, So Below - Sound Designer
2011Broad Channel - Cinematography
2011Broad Channel - Director
2011Broad Channel - Editor
2011Broad Channel - Sound Designer
2006Dear Bill Gates - Cinematography
2006Dear Bill Gates - Director
2006Dear Bill Gates - Editor
2006Dear Bill Gates - Writer


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