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Jane Lee - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Doğum günü 1912-02-15
Ölüm 1957-03-17


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1919Smiles as Jane
1918Swat the Spy as Jane Sheldon
1918Dixie Madcaps
1918Doing Their Bit as Janie O'Dowd
1918American Buds as Jane
1917Two Little Imps as Jane
1917Patsy as Janie
1917Love Aflame as Willie Sterling
1916Love and Hate as Willie Sterling
1916Romeo and Juliet as Page
1916The Ragged Princess as Little Jane
1916Her Double Life as Naughty girl
1916Daredevil Kate as Irene's Child
1915The Galley Slave as Dolores
1915The Soul of Broadway as Grace's Daughter
1915The Devil's Daughter as Little Beata
1915The Clemenceau Case as Janet


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