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Patrick O'Connell - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Dublin, Ireland
Doğum günü 1934-01-29
Ölüm 2017-08-10


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Patrick O'Connell was an Irish born actor who worked in British film.


1992Fool's Fire as Minister Bacci
1988Dream Demon as Detective
1987Nanou as Father deNanou
1985The Shooting Party as Charlie Lyne
1983Runners as Hostel Warden
1982Spaghetti House as Mallory
1979The Human Factor as Reader
1972The Ragman's Daughter as Tony, 35 yrs
1970The McKenzie Break as Sergeant Major Cox
1969Sling Your Hook as Mick
1965The Coming Out Party as Nobby
1964Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earth as Ashton
1960Lena, O My Lena as Derek


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