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Sofiene Chaari - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri La Marsa, Tunisia
Doğum günü 1962-07-21
Ölüm 2011-08-22
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Sofiane Chaari
Sofiène Chaâri
سفيان الشعري


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Sofiene Chaari, born July 31, 1962 and died August 22, 2011 in La Marsa, is a Tunisian actor, humorist and television host, known for his role as Sboui in the television series Choufli Hal. Son of Habib Chaari, an actor and film producer, he began his career as a technician and stage manager in the Tunis city theater where his father was active, before turning to comedy on television and in the theater where he played different roles.


2011Always Brando
2009Choufli Hal, Le Réveillon
2005Deadlines as Miami Herald


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