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Dan Crimmins - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK
Doğum günü 1863-05-18
Ölüm 1945-07-12
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Alexander M. Lyon


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Dan Crimmins was an English actor.


1935Diamond Jim as Tailor
1932Zombi - Yasayan Ölüler as Pierre- Witch Doctor
1928A Trick of Hearts as The Ex-Sheriff
1927The Valley of the Giants as Councilman
1926Perils of the Rail as 'Slippery' McGee
1925Not So Long Ago as Michael Dover
1925Pretty Ladies as Mr. Shean
1925The Charmer as The Lawyer
1924The Midnight Express as Railroad Operator
1923Desert Driven as Brown
1921Straight from the Shoulder as Hotel Owner
1921Nearly Spliced
1921Colorado as Lem Morgan
1921The Bait as Jimmy - The Bullfinch
1920Pink Tights as Smiley Dodd
1920Once to Every Woman as Mr. Chichester Jones
1920The Garage as Rube - The Garage Owner
1916Partly Cloudy
1916Outs and Ins as The Boss
1916A Pirate Bold
1916Local Showers
1916Showing Some Speed
1916Coming Down as The Boss of the Arcade
1916Out Of Order as The Boss
1916Just Imagination as Dr. Hickory
1916Bells and Belles as The Innkeeper
1916The Lightning Bell-Hop as Innkeeper
1916Cruel and Unusual


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