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Oleh Drach - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

4 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Vodyane, Pustomyty. Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Doğum günü 1959-10-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Oleg Dracz
Oleg Tarasovich Drach
Оле́г Тара́сович Драч
Драч Олег Тарасович
Oleg Drach


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Oleg Tarasovich Drach (born October 1, 1959, village Vodyane, Pustomyty district Lviv region) - Ukrainian actor, director, teacher. Honored Artist of Ukraine. In 1981 he graduated from the Kyiv State Theater Institute named after I.K.Karpenko-Karyi (course of N. A. USSR A. Y. Gashinsky). One of the founders of the Lviv Theater named after. Les Kurbas (1987). Works as the head of the Department of Cultural Studies at the NCSTM them. Les Kurbas. Head of Theater Laboratory "STUDIA A.K. T.". Investigates the nature of man's creative processes. Conducts psychophysical training aimed at awakening creative nature and personality development. From Wikipedia (uk), the free encyclopedia


2023Różyczka 2
2019Bay Jones as Leonid
2019Іловайськ 2014. Батальйон «Донбас» as Skif
2019Пассажир из Сан-Франциско
2017Stalin'in Ölümü as Red Army Colonel
2015Sivastopol İçin Savaş
2011Аня. «Волга». Рок-н-Ролл as Oleg
2010Правосудие волков
2009Жизнь на двоих as бывший депутат
2008Владика Андрей as SS-Obersturmbannführer
2008Богдан-Зиновій Хмельницький
2007Katyn Katliamı as Commissary
2004Залізна сотня as Barts
2002Молитва за гетьмана Мазепу as Prince Vasili Golitsyn
2002Таємниця Чингісхана as Chan Chu
1999Аве Марія as Anatoliy Butko
1994Амур і Демон
1986Вечерницы as Anton

Diğer Roller

2013Буузы - Opera


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