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Eduard Osipov - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1985-09-03


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Eduard Osipov is an American TV & Film Producer, Actor and Director. It was at an early age that he developed his passion for acting and filmmaking. At the age 7 young Eduard joined the theater troupe in his school where he began performing throughout his academic years. During these years he studied Russian mixed martial arts at the fight club "Argument" where he won multiple championships. In 2006, he moved to United States to further pursue his acting, directing and producing career.


20201 Interrogation
2017Любовь в городе ангелов as Aleks
2017Alien Domicile as Dimitri
2015Death in the Desert as Pete
2009I Am Here....Now as Gangster
Crescent City as Ricky MacCallum

Diğer Roller

2022Blowback - Producer
Crescent City - Producer


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