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Russell Bassett - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Doğum günü 1845-10-24
Ölüm 1918-05-08


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1918The Studio Girl as Undetermined Role
1917The Honeymoon as Uncle Jimmy Lane
1917Seven Keys to Baldpate as Quimby
1917Broadway Jones as Andrew Jones
1916Less Than the Dust as Ahmed
1916Hulda from Holland as Uncle Peter
1916Diplomacy as Baron Stein
1916Nearly a King as Regent of Okam
1915The Fatal Card as A.K. Austen
1915Sold as Dolbeare
1915Little Pal as Sid Gerue
1915Fanchon, the Cricket as Landry's Father (uncredited)
1915May Blossom as Tom Blossom
1915David Harum
1915When the Deacon Swore as Alice's Grandfather - the Minister
1915The Morals of Marcus as Hamdi
1914Behind the Scenes as Joe Canby
1914Such a Little Queen as The Prime Minister
1913Almost a Rescue as Dr. Quack
1913The Girls and Dad as Dad
1913The Country Cousin as Uncle Russell
1913Cupid's Assistants as Louise's Father
1912Making a Man of Her
1912The Lady Barber of Roaring Gulch as Dad Allen
1912Her Friend, the Doctor as Pa Carston
1912Hearts and Skirts as The Lawyer
1912The Girls and the Chaperone as Colonel Gray
1912When the Heart Calls as James Gordon - the Ranchman
1912Her Indian Hero as Mr. Mead - Veda's Father


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