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Donal O'Neill - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Galway, Ireland
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Donal O’Neill makes “real food” documentaries exploring health and human performance. Movies so far include: Cereal Killers (2013); Run on Fat (2015); The Big Fat Fix (2016) that premiered in the European Parliament. Donal is also co-author with Dr Aseem Malhotra of the best-seller, The Pioppi Diet. On his website, Let Fat Be Thy Medicine, Donal describes himself as a “lean ex-athlete with no family history of overweight/obesity but a whole lotta heart disease and diabetes staring at me”. Donal says that once upon a time he believed that fat was bad, but he now ranks that right up there with his belief in Santa Claus. Cereal Killers was his first journey into film (he’s still not sure if it’s opened Pandora’s Box!) and this website will support the film and his thoughts beyond.


2016The Big Fat Fix as Self / Producer, Cereal Killers
2015Cereal Killers 2 - Run on Fat as Himself
2013Cereal Killers as Himself

Diğer Roller

2016The Big Fat Fix - Producer
2015Cereal Killers 2 - Run on Fat - Writer
2013Cereal Killers - Producer


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