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Louis Chaix - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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1947Une Belle Garce

Diğer Roller

1933L'Ami Fritz - Director of Photography
1931La terreur des Batignolles - Camera Car
1931Je serai seule après minuit - Director of Photography
1931Le rêve - Director of Photography
1929La Femme et le Pantin - Director of Photography
1925Le Fantôme du Moulin-Rouge - Director of Photography
1924Pêcheur d'Islande - Director of Photography
1924Nène - Director of Photography
1923La Légende de sœur Béatrix - Director of Photography
1920Le silence - Director of Photography
1920Travail - Director of Photography
1919La cigarette - Director of Photography


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