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Arthur Albertson - profili | Sosyallift©

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1917The Argyle Case as Bruce Argyle
1916The Lotus Woman as Everett Chase
1916The Trail's End as Fred Randall
1916The Lurking Peril as Fred Randall
1915The Money Gulf as Byron Mason - Ruth's Brother
1915The Sign of the Broken Shackles as Basil Harcourt - Sir Henry's Younger Brother
1915The Net of Deceit as Fanshell - Mallott's Secretary
1915The Crooked Path as Lynn - Alan's Rival
1915A Sister's Burden as Nathanial - the Son
1915The Night Operator at Buxton as Tracy - one of the Gang
1915The Stolen Ruby as Hankah - Daare's Hindu Servant
1915The Scorpion's Sting as The Butler
1914The False Guardian as Lawyer West
1914Kit, the Arkansaw Traveler as James Temple - Alice's Sweetheart


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