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Sabit Kurmanbekov - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Shubar, Kerbulak District, Jetisu Region, Kazakh SSR, USSR (now Kazakhstan)
Doğum günü 1960-09-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Сабит Курманбеков
Сәбит Құрманбеков


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Sabit Kurmanbekov (Kazakh: Сәбит Құрманбеков; 1 September 1960; Shubar) is a Kazakh film director, screenwriter, product designer and actor. He graduated from the Art Faculty of the All-Union State Institute of cinematography (Moscow , 1990), film and Television Production Artist; course of S. Solovyov. Since 1980-designer-artist of the Almaty art combine" Oner". Since 1986-took part in the filming of films of the Republican creative and Production Association "Kazakhfilm" named after sh. Aimanov. Since 1990-production artist of the Republican creative and Production Association "Kazakhfilm" named after sh. Aimanov (now - JSC "Kazakhfilm" named after sh.Aimanov).


1990Конечная остановка

Diğer Roller

2023Боран - Director
2023Боран - Screenplay
2019Композитор - Director
2017Қазақ хандығы. Алмас қылыш - Production Design
2016Оралман - Director
2016Оралман - Screenplay
2015Тарлан Құлахмет Ходжиков - Director
2014Елбасы жолы. Тығырықтан жол тапқан - Production Design
2013Елбасы жолы. Теміртау - Production Design
2013От-өзен - Production Design
2013Лотерея - Production Design
2011Елбасы жолы. Менің балалық шағымның аспаныа - Production Design
2010Поздняя любовь - Art Designer
2010Поздняя любовь - Director
2009Секер - Director
2009Секер - Screenplay
2008Qosh bol, Gülsary! - Production Design
2008Аурелен - Director
2008Аурелен - Screenplay
2007Карой - Art Direction
2006Месть - Art Direction
2005Трасса - Director
2005Трасса - Screenplay
2005Savaşçı Nomad - Production Design
2003Маленькие люди - Production Design
2002Jylama - Production Design
2000Үш ағайынды - Art Direction
1997Аксуат - Production Design
1996Шанхай - Production Design
1995Кардиограмма - Production Design
1994Пешаварский вальс - Production Design
1991Суржекей — ангел смерти - Art Direction
1990Конечная остановка - Production Design


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