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Elli Toivoniemi - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Vantaa, Finland
Doğum günü 1984-01-01


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Elli Toivoniemi is a producer and director, as well as one of the founders of the production company Tuffi Films. She has produced several internationally acclaimed films, including Force of Habit ( 2019) and Stupid Young Heart (2018).

Diğer Roller

2024My Reality - Producer
2023Neljä pientä aikuista - Producer
2023Paradiset brinner - Producer
2022Maya Nilo (Laura) - Co-Producer
2022Eläinoikeusjuttu - Producer
2021Sihja – kapinaa ilmassa - Producer
2020Seurapeli - Producer
2020Orkesterin edessä - Executive Producer
2019Tottumiskysymys - Director
2019Tottumiskysymys - Producer
2019Tottumiskysymys - Writer
2019Pysäkki - Director
2019Yksittäistapaus - Director
2019Buduaar - Producer
2019Ei mitään hätää - Producer
2019Juhlatunnelma - Producer
2019Let Her Speak - Producer
2019Läski - Producer
2019Pikku juttu - Producer
2019Play Rape - Producer
2019Pysäkki - Producer
2019Shake! - Producer
2019Tyttöbileet - Producer
2019Unelmaduuni - Producer
2019Yksittäistapaus - Producer
2019Pysäkki - Screenplay
2019Pariisin prinssi - Executive Producer
2019Lahja - Thanks
2019Yüksek Konfor - Executive Producer
2018Hölmö nuori sydän - Producer
2018Ei koskaan enää - Producer
2017Hobbyhorse Revolution - Producer
2016Kesäni sudenkorentona - Director
2016Kesäni sudenkorentona - Producer
2016Kesäni sudenkorentona - Screenplay
2014Rooli - Director
2014Laulu - Producer
2014Korso - Producer
2014Meno-paluu - Producer
2013Betoniyö - Casting
2011Hyvä poika - Producer
2011Hella W - Third Assistant Director
2010Sisko tahtoisin jäädä - Second Assistant Director
Eevan lahja - Producer
Ei kertonut katuvansa - Producer


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