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Lillian Burns - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Illinois, USA
Doğum günü 1903-09-17
Ölüm 1998-08-31


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)


1916The Shop Girl as Ena
1915The Cave Man
1915The Third Party as Mrs. Williams
1915Four Grains of Rice
1915The Goddess as Mary Blackstone
1915A Lily in Bohemia
1914Saved from a Life of Crime
1914Netty or Letty as Letty
1914The Unwritten Play
1914The Wheat and the Tares as Hazel Gray
1914A Florida Enchantment as Malvina
1914A Pair of Frauds as Margery Dean
1914Love's Old Dream
1913Cutey and the Chorus Girls


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