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H. Agar Lyons - profili | Sosyallift©

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1937Chinatown Nights
1931In a Lotus Garden as Mandarin
1928The Adventure of the Torture Cage as Dr. Sin Fang
1927The Luck of the Navy as Colonel Dupont
1924The Further Mysteries of Fu-Manchu as Dr. Fu Manchu
1924Sen Yan’s Devotion as High Priest
1924Slaves of Destiny as Wilbrahim
1924Henry, King of Navarre as Pierre
1923The Shrine of the Seven Lamps as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Sacred Order as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Silver Buddha as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Queen of Hearts as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Man with the Limp as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Fiery Hand as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Cry of the Nighthawk as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Knocking on the Door as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Fungi Cellars as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Miracle as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Call of Siva as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Clue of the Pigtail as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The West Case as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu as Dr. Fu Manchu
1923Aaron's Rod as Dr Fu Manchu
1923The Romany
1919The Warrior Strain as Sir William Halsford
1913In the Days of Robin Hood as Robin Hood


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