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Jonathan Meades - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, UK
Doğum günü 1947-01-21


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Jonathan Turner Meades is an English writer and film-maker, primarily on the subjects of place, culture, architecture and food. His work spans journalism, fiction, essays, memoir and over fifty highly idiosyncratic television films, and has been described as "brainy, scabrous, mischievous", "iconoclastic" and possessed of "a polymathic breadth of knowledge and truly caustic wit".


2019Franco Building with Jonathan Meades as Self
2016Ben Building: Mussolini, Monuments and Modernism as Himself
2006Joe Building: The Stalin Memorial Lecture as Himself - Presenter
2002Surrealissimo: The Trial of Salvador Dali as The Nihilist
2001tvSSFBM EHKL as Himself - Presenter / Various Characters
1994Jerry Building: Unholy Relics of Nazi Germany as Himself - Presenter

Diğer Roller

2019Franco Building with Jonathan Meades - Writer
2016Ben Building: Mussolini, Monuments and Modernism - Writer
2006Joe Building: The Stalin Memorial Lecture - Writer
2001tvSSFBM EHKL - Writer
1994Jerry Building: Unholy Relics of Nazi Germany - Writer
1992L'Atlantide - Writer


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