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Naomi McDougall Jones - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Colorado, USA
Doğum günü 1987-05-19


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Naomi McDougall Jones is an award-winning writer, actress, producer and women-in-film activist based in Brooklyn, NY. She is known for writing and starring in the films Imagine I'm Beautiful (2014) and Bite Me (2019), both directed by Meredith Edwards; and for co-founding The 51 Fund, a private equity fund dedicated to financing narrative and documentary feature films directed by female filmmakers.


2019Bite Me as Sarah
2018Notes on an Appearance
2014Imagine I'm Beautiful as Lana Brauer
2010Out of Focus
Indigo as Lizzy

Diğer Roller

2023Shari & Lamb Chop - Executive Producer
2023Şeyda - Executive Producer
2021Cusp - Executive Producer
2019Bite Me - Producer
2019Bite Me - Screenplay
2014Imagine I'm Beautiful - Producer
2014Imagine I'm Beautiful - Writer


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