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Anna Iriyama - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Chiba, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Doğum günü 1995-12-03
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 入山杏奈


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Anna Iriyama (入山 杏奈, Iriyama Anna, born December 3, 1995, in Chiba Prefecture) is a Japanese singer and a member of the Japanese idol group AKB48, in which she is a member of Team A. She is represented by the talent agency Ohta Production. She was part of the cast for the telenovela Like and was in Mexico from 2018 to 2019. As of 2020, she returned to Japan to continue with her activities in AKB48.


2021AKB48単独コンサート ~好きならば好きだと言おう~
2021Minegishi Minami Graduation Concert ~Sakura no Sakanai Haru wa Nai~
2018あいあい傘 as Maiko Matsuoka
2017Team A 7th Stage 「M.T.に捧ぐ」
2016高橋みなみ卒業“148.5cmの見た夢”in 横浜スタジアム
2015AKB48真夏の単独コンサート in さいたまスーパーアリーナ
2015AKBホラーナイト アドレナリンの夜
2015AKB48 リクエストアワー セットリストベスト1035 2015
2014青鬼 as Anna
2011「見逃した君たちへ」ひまわり組 1st Stage「僕の太陽」公演 as Herself
2011AKB48 リクエストアワー セットリストベスト100 2011


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