OW Debug - Warning
Message: Creating default object from empty value
File: /home/romarekl/public_html/sosyallift.com/ow_plugins/movies/classes/phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php
Line: 380
Francesco Tumminello - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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Diğer Roller

2023Grazie ragazzi - Sound Mixer
2022Uçsuz Bucaksız - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2022Ghiaccio - Sound Mixer
2022America Latina - Sound Mixer
2021Il materiale emotivo - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2021Laila in Haifa - Sound Mixer
2021Marx può aspettare - Sound Mixer
2021Maledetta primavera - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2021הנה אנחנו - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2020Natale in casa Cupiello - Sound Mixer
2019Il giorno più bello del mondo - Sound Mixer
2019A mano disarmata - Recording Supervision
2019Hain - The Traitor - Sound Mixer
2018Un nemico che ti vuole bene - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2018Il tuttofare - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2017Mekan - Sound Mixer
2017İtalyan Cinayeti - Sound Mixer
2016Qualcosa di nuovo - Sound Mixer
2016Ballad in Blood - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2016Per sempre - Sound Mixer
2016Mükemmel Yabancılar - Sound Mix Technician
2015Io che amo solo te - Sound Mixer
2014Torneranno i prati - Sound Mixer
2013Vinodentro - Recording Supervision
2013Isacco - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2013Yok Böyle Prens - Sound Mixer
2012Tutto tutto niente niente - Sound Mixer
2012Sen Dünyaya Gelmeden - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2012La casa nel vento dei morti - Recording Supervision
2010Huzurlu Hayat - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2010Into Paradiso - Mixing Engineer
2010Basilicata Coast to Coast - Sound Mixer
2009Ce n'è per tutti - Recording Supervision
2009Barbarossa - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2007Gizli Aşk - Sound Re-Recording Mixer


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