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Hamdy Ghaith - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Egypt
Doğum günü 1924-01-07
Ölüm 2006-03-07
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir حمدي غيث


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Mahmoud Hamdy El Husseini Ghaith was an Egyptian actor, who was born in the village of Shalashlamoun, Ash Sharqia in 1924. He studied at the Faculty of Law and then studied at the Higher Institute of Cinema. He continued his theatrical studies in the French capital, Paris, and debuted through the movie Struggle in the Valley. In cinema, he presented many films, most notably Dawn of a New Day, The Message, and Land of Fear. He has also worked in television dramas since the 1960s, many of which belonged to religious and historical works, such as: Muhammad is the Messenger of God, Islamic Conquests, There Is No God But Allah, and Zezenia. He died in 2006 of respiratory failure at the age of 82.


2000أرض الخوف as Hodhod
1997إسماعيلية رايح جاي as Salem Al-Masry - Ibrahim's father
1997البحث عن توت عنخ آمون
1989حارة برجوان
1988اغتيال مدرسة
1988بيت في الهوا
1986التوت والنبوت as Hasouna
1985الحكم آخر الجلسة as hammam
1981صراع العشاق
1976الرسالة as Abou Sufyan ibn Harb
1973عندما يغنى الحب
1970نار الشوق
1967الدخيل as abdualaleem
1964فجر يوم جديد
1963Selahaddin Eyyubi as King Richard
1954شيطان الصحراء as Zayyah
1954أثار في الرمال as Dr. Ahmed Zaki
1954صراع في الوادي as Selim

Diğer Roller

1960٣ رجال وإمرأة - Dialogue Coach


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