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Deepa Dhanraj - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Mumbai, India


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Deepa Dhanraj is an Indian documentary filmmaker, researcher, and writer. Known for her intersectional view of gender oppression and a collaborative approach to documentary, Dhanraj’s extensive filmography spans four decades and engages with questions related to women’s status, political participation and resistance.

Diğer Roller

2019We Have Not Come Here To Die - Director
2011Invoking Justice - Director
2006Love in the Time of AIDS - Director
2001Partition pour voix de femmes - Director
1994The Legacy of Malthus - Director
1994The Legacy of Malthus - Producer
1991Something Like a War - Director
1991Something Like a War - Editor
1991Something Like a War - Producer
1986Kya Hua Is Shahar Ko? - Director
Our Family History - Director


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