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Krsto Papić - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Vučji Do, Montenegro
Doğum günü 1933-12-07
Ölüm 2013-02-07


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Krsto Papić (7 December 1933 – 7 February 2013) was a Croatian screenwriter and film director whose career spanned several decades. Papić was born in Vučji Do, near Nikšić in today's Montenegro. His early feature films and documentaries were part of Croatian and Yugoslav New Cinema, and often regarded as Croatian echo of the Black Wave artistic movement that mostly took place within Serbia. Additionally, Papić himself was connected to the Croatian Spring political movement during the early 1970s. He was the member of the Zagreb filmophile circle influenced by the French New Wave, so-called "Hitchcockians", along with film-makers and critics Ante Peterlić, Zoran Tadić, Branko Ivanda, Petar Krelja and centered around film critics Vladimir Vuković and Hrvoje Lisinski. Papić's two best-known early feature films, Lisice and Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj, were often attacked from the government sources. Lisice did not get permission to represent Yugoslavia in the Cannes Film Festival, so it entered Quinzaine program in 1970.Izbavitelj was heavily criticised by Stipe Šuvar, who alluded that film's allegory about Fascism actually also refers to the Communism. Papić's subsequent feature films were more classical in its narration, but again politically controversial in the last decade of Yugoslavia. Particularly My Uncle's Legacy, critical picture of Yugoslavia's political situation under titoism during Informbiro period, which won nomination for Golden Globe in 1989, has been surrounded by controversy and political attacks from traditional Party circles and especially Partisan Veterans' organisations, so the production was delayed for couple of years, but achieved due to support of intellectuals, newspapers and Party fractions in the time of disolvement and fight among Party fractions in last years of the Yugoslav federation. Papić was awarded with Croatia's highest Vladimir Nazor Award for live achievement in cinema in 2006, and with Grand Prix Special des Amériques at the Montreal Film Festival in 2004.


2005Druga strana Wellesa as Self
2003Pula povjerljivo as Himself
2001Na stanici u Puli as Himself
1983Treći ključ as Franjo
1969Čvor as Himself

Diğer Roller

2013Cvjetni trg - Director
2003Infekcija - Director
2003Infekcija - Writer
1998Kad mrtvi zapjevaju - Director
1998Kad mrtvi zapjevaju - Writer
1991Priča iz Hrvatske - Director
1991Priča iz Hrvatske - Writer
1988Život sa stricem - Director
1988Život sa stricem - Writer
1980Tajna Nikole Tesle - Director
1980Tajna Nikole Tesle - Writer
1976Izbavitelj - Director
1976Izbavitelj - Writer
1975Jedno malo putovanje - Director
1975Jedno malo putovanje - Writer
1974Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj - Director
1974Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj - Writer
1972Specijalni vlakovi - Director
1972Specijalni vlakovi - Screenplay
1971Nek se čuje i naš glas - Director
1971Nek se čuje i naš glas - Writer
1971Mala seoska priredba - Director
1970Lisice - Director
1970Lisice - Writer
1969Čvor - Director
1969Čvor - Writer
1968Halo, München - Director
1968Halo, München - Writer
1968Kad te moja čakija ubode - Director
1968Kad te moja čakija ubode - Writer
1967Iluzija - Director
1967Iluzija - Writer
1965Ključ - Director
1965Ključ - Writer


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