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Minami Aoyama - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Doğum günü 1984-02-10
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 藍山みなみ


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Minami Aoyama is a young actress of Pink Eiga who is supposed to be the most admired. She was born in Tokyo, Japan, on May 28th, 1982. She has a sexy mole under her right eye, and a round face that gives her a soft and tender look. Because she looks younger than her actual age, she has often been cast in Lolita-type high school roles. She began her career as a porn video actress when she was 21. She started acting in Pink Eiga that same year in, “Ambiguous” (directed by Toshiya Ueno). Since 2005, she has worked on TV and V Cinemas (straight to video or DVD). She joined a theater company, “Gesshoku Kagekidan,” which performs avant-garde plays. In August 2008, she acted in Japanese avant-garde superstar, Shuji Terayama’s drama.


2018神がかった美女達の華麗なる50SEX 我がアイポケが誇るスター女優50本番8時間
2012監禁玩具 わいせつ狩り as Miho Aizawa
2011家庭教師と未亡人義母 ~まさぐり狂宴~ as Hiroko Nagasaku
2011悦楽の性界 淫らしましょ! as Misato
2009告白 ナースの残業 as Kaori Sasaki
2007Hotaru Special as Miyuki
2006おじさん天国 as Rika Kamiyama
2006新だまし屋本舗・蛍 ~フランチャイズ詐欺を撲滅せよ~ as Mizuno
2006新だまし屋本舗・蛍 ~美容詐欺を撲滅せよ~ as Mizuno
2006熟母・娘 乱交
2006猫耳少女キキ as Yuka Sanada
2005新だまし屋本舗・蛍 ~ペーパー商法にご用心~ as Mizuno
2005新だまし屋本舗・蛍 ~おいしいバイトにご用心~ as Mizuno
2005悶絶ふたまた 流れ出る愛液 as Chihiro
2005官能病棟 濡れた赤い唇
2004援助交際撲滅運動 地獄変 as Keiko
2003猥褻ネット集団 いかせて!! as Myû / Kazuki Aikawa


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